The Dhaincha crop | Grown as a green manuring crop in India

From the core sector to marginalization, the agrarian economy is often overshadowed by industrialization. History is evident in the consequences of shifting the base and changing the priority. However, monetary benefits often take the front seat because of greater and faster returns, yet they have some or other correlation with the prime or core sector. The past couple of years have validated the story of Indian food sufficiency and supremacy despite rapid migration. The big question is how we attained this.

Indian agriculture is primarily a puppet of the weather. Another big reason is the heavy dependency on fertilizers and chemical-based products for high-yield expectations. However, a slow yet sweeping change can be noticed that reinstates the supremacy of agriculture. "For organics through organic", the well-tested and aged practices are again very popular. Presenting you the real image of practicing organic cultivation organically. Dhaincha is one such crop that is usually grown and used as green manure for paddy. Since it can be grown in every season, provided there is sufficient moisture in the soil, it is considered good for succeeding crops. The Dhaincha crop field is plowed without cutting the crop, leaving the crop to get rotten and residue to merge in the soil. This practice helps enrich the soil with essential nitrogen requirements. Moreover, such organic farm practices lead to sustainability and self-sufficiency for agricultural purposes. It helps in the following ways:

  • Improves soil structure
  • Decreases soil erosion
  • Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil
  • Reduces weed proliferation and growth
  • Improves soil microorganisms
  • Absorbs nitrogen from the environment and adds to the soil
  • Increases various plant nutrients such as P205, Ca, Mg, and Fe.

We encourage such practices and also use them for organic farming. The picture of the Dhaincha field is the evidence that represents our organic commitment to the welfare of society.